I'll be back to blogging after the holidays......!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I'll be back to blogging after the holidays......!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Back from Oz!
Well I am back from hangin' out with the 'Roos......! I was sad to leave my brother and sister-in-law and their gorgeous home on the escarpment....but I am happy to be home. I am just catching up on life and of course am dealing with the busy holidays!
This is Kelly's falls, a waterfall that we stopped at on one of our day trips.
These are my feet!! On the skyway cable car crossing 300 metres above the ground...in Blue Mountains, Katoomba. How about that glass bottom!!Two more trips are approaching fast-this Friday we leave for our annual trip to Las Vegas.......! Then at the beginning of January we are heading to the Bahamas for the EPT Carribbean $10,000 tournament that Ross will be playing in!! I will definitely keep you posted (pun totally intended) on that!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
G'day from Australia!!
Just a quick post to say 'hello, wish you were here'...........!
If I am counting right it is day 18 of my trip here in Australia, with only two days left. I leave on Thurs Dec 4th at 4:00pm and get home Thurs Dec 4th at 3:00pm after 18 hours of travelling! How crazy is that. Time travel......
Having lots of great adventures here, I'll be able to post pictures when I get home.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Off To Australia!!!
Today I am off to Australia to visit my brother and sister-in-law! My mom is already over there, she will be there for 3 months total, I am going for 3 weeks.
I am taking my keyboard, some short stories to edit and I plan on doing lots of writing this trip. Wish me luck with that.....! ;)
So for now I'll say "g'day"!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
World Fantasy Memories
I am still pumped up from the 2008 World Fantasy Convention. This is a shot of Diana Rowland (her book Mark of the Demon comes out in June 2009-go pre-order on Amazon!!) myself and Carrie Vaughn, author of the Kitty series.
Both gals are super nice and I am working on putting together a workout program for Diana so she can look FABulous for her book launch next year. I know she'll do great both with her workouts and her book sales! (really, you have to check it out!)This is David Morrell, GOH at the World Fantasy Convention. I attended his workshop and several of his panel sessions. Here I've just gotten his autograph and talked him into a photo!
Again, this is me being "fan girly" with Toastmaster Tad Williams. I'm taking that book with me to read on the plane on my next trip! I talked him into doing a goofy picture too, but I'll save that one for the bloopers reel.....
I was matched up with a roommate through the convention and we hit it off. Here's my roommate Anne with L.E. Modesitte Jr. We ended up having a few drinks and chatting with him later that weekend in the pub :)
One more fan pic, here I am with Jana G. Oliver, author of the Time Rovers books. I sat in on a session where Jana was on the panel and the more she referred to her book, the more I got hooked! So I had to buy a copy and of course had to have her sign it at the autograph session!
Unfortunately I have not had time to do any writing since I returned, as we just had our 5th Annual Sandra Wickham Fall Classic-a novice bodybuilding, fitness and figure event. It was our biggest show ever, so well worth all the hard work.
As of Friday I am off to AUSTRALIA! I'll be there for almost 3 weeks, visiting with my brother and sister-in-law. My mom has already arrived and will be staying for a total of 3 months. We hope to do lots of sight seeing and fun stuff together while I'm there. AND I plan on writing on the flights!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
I am back from the World Fantasy Convention!
I have arrived back at home after a FABULOUS weekend in Calgary at the World Fantasy Convention. I had a great time, met a tone of incredible people and I am definitely pumped up about writing and the writing industry in general.
I have changed my "Writing Site" entrance picture...I will be doing a lot of updates to the writing portion of my site soon and I am looking forward to improving it!
Once I get the pictures from WFC from my camera I will post some!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I had a GREAT time a VCON, as my first convention I think it was a perfect one to start with.
Everyone was very friendly and I am still shocked at how little it cost to attend compared to the incredible amount of panels I was able to attend and how much I learned from those.
One of the best parts of the weekend was the opportunity to speak to different authors at the book launch and signings. Here's a shot of me with Patrick Rothfuss, as he would say the "flavour of the month", but as most other people would say, the author of the best fantasy novel this century!!!! I also got to chat with Kelley Armstrong, the other Author GOH as well as Lisa Smedman who took the time to explain the different facets of the Forgotten Realms world that I was totally clueless about.
If you get a chance to attend VCON I highly recommend it!! And, if you have not read any of the authors above, go buy their books!!!!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Writing Section of my Site is now Online!
Monday, August 25, 2008
I am just learning how to use a blog.........!
My hope is to get it running on my own website and I will have it up on the "Writing" half of my site. My launch date (self imposed) for the writing half of my website is September 1st, 2008.
The plan is to have half my site for my competitions, coaching and show promotions, with the other half designated to my writing.
Wish me luck!!!!!