Wednesday, March 31, 2010

There and Back Again

Image via Wikipedia
I've made it safely back to home soil, however, my luggage decided it wanted to extend its vacation. It should be following me home sometime today.

Unfortunately, my usb cord for my camera is in said luggage, so I'm unable to get any pictures off my camera right now. I think I'll wait to post more about the trip until I can have visuals to go with.

I'm happy to be home, happy to say I was missed by husband and kittens, but sad to be separated from the fabulous friends I met. We are already scheming reunions.

I'm exhausted beyond exhausted. Every night at the convention we stayed up just a little later. I think I averaged 4 hours of sleep over five days, plus two days of early travelling (one day from Brighton to London, then the next from London to home) where I didn't get much sleep.

The trip home was horrendous, which was such a stark contrast to the fun of the rest of the weekend! While I was in England, British Airways cancelled my return flight and I had to rebook.

Now, I'm going to ask for your help.

I'd like to send BA a note, a complaint, if you will, about what happened. Yes, they're on strike, but I think (I think?) I have a legit complaint. I thought I'd ask for extra opinions and/or suggestions.

I specifically paid extra money, in order to treat myself and get a direct flight. It was just 9 hours plus a few minutes, both ways. When my trip got cancelled, the only thing they had was for me to fly from London to Dallas, in TEN hours (note the emphasis on ten, LOL). Then, a 1 1/2 stop over in Dallas, in which I had to go through immigration, get my bags, go through customs, go through security again, and that took the entire 1 1/2 hours! I had to RUN and barely got on the next flight. Obviously, my luggage didn't run fast enough! Then I had another 4 hour flight. So instead of the 9 hours I paid for, I got almost 16.

Is this worth complaining about? What should I say? Should I expect compensation? I thought this just might be a fun topic for discussion...

BUT, let me just say, despite my miserable trip home, the trip to the World Horror Convention was a huge success. More pics and details to come!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Group Creation Experiment Day Five and Six

I'm sort cheating because I missed yesterday on account of being busy getting ready for my trip to England!! (I leave tonight for Brighton for the World Horror Convention!)

So this day five and day six (of seven) of the Mind on Fire Tarot Randomizer Group Creativity Experiment.

Yesterday's card was the nine of swords, an "unhappy" card, symbolizing worry, doubt, anxiety, guilt, anguish, despair, depression, regret, being hard on yourself, wanting to turn back the clock, being overwhelmed by remorse, and wanting to cry. Fun stuff, right?


Here's what I came up with:

Raging at the world
Insecurity dominates
Drowning in self-pity
Ignoring the positive
Crumbling to pieces
Upset with choices
Lamenting time gone by
Overcome with doubt
Urging darkness
Sinking into nothingness

Today's card is the Two of Cups, symbolizing making a connection, a joining, cementing a friendship, calling a truce, acknowledging an attraction.

Here's my creation for today. (it's quick cuz I gotta catch a plane!) A short, whimsical poem for this happier, and appropriate card.

There are people you meet
And instantly you click.
Now suddenly you want
To know what makes them tick.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Group Creation Experiment Day Four

Here we are, on day four (of seven) of the Mind on Fire Tarot Randomizer Group Creativity Experiment.

Today's card is from a Lovecraft-themed Tarot Deck, and is the Devil. There are so many symbolisms tied to this card, temptation, materialism, bondage, ignorance, hopelessness...

I intended to do something dark, symbolic and anti-materialistic, but then, this happened.

I started with one of my old modelling 8 x 10's and was going to just trash it, make it ugly, everything opposite to the modelling world and to having to look good...but then I started having so much FUN, it took a totally different turn. It is, an experiment after all, so I went with it. ;)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Group Creation Experiment Day Three

It's day three (of seven) of the Mind on Fire Tarot Randomizer Group Creativity Experiment.

Today's card is from the Lunatic Tarot Deck, and is the two of pentacles. Most decks show this as someone juggling, and the symbolism is about juggling our lives, keeping things in balance, covering all areas, flexibility in our lives, and having fun.

I love this card!! It's absolutely beautiful. For my creation today I've done a collage of me actually balancing (in my fitness routines!) and all the things I try to balance in my life. This is a glimpse into my life, what's important, what's fun, and what's "me".

I spent way too much time on this. Time to go write!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Group Creation Experiment Day Two

We're on to day two (of seven) of the Mind on Fire Tarot Randomizer Group Creativity Experiment. (follow the link for more information!)

Today's card is from Manga Tarot Deck, and is the hermit card. Key words for this are: “Introspection. Searching. Guidance. Solitude.”

For some reason, the searching, seeking guidance, as well as the idea of solitude and time alone to think, led me to want to create this paper fortune teller. As you can see, I've written my own words to choose from, and there is a secret message for those who seek it. (so secret, in fact, the ones I show are blurry.) This was a lot of fun, and now it's time to write! ;)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Short Story Review

Our Evolve anthology has been reviewed by Doug Knipe at, including my short story Mama's Boy. I'm so excited, not just because it's a good review, but because this is my first review-ever! (very cool...)

Here's what Doug had to say:

Mamma’s Boy by Sandra Wickham
"This is a delicious and very short story about karma. Ruthie is about to give birth to her first child after a few years of marriage. Only she now learns her husband is vampire that in his transformed state is monstrous and that her child will be too. And she will be the babies first meal. But a mother's love knows no bounds and turnabout is fair play. I found this disturbingly funny (am I warped?)."

Now, don't you want to read it??!! ;)

You can see the other reviews here, read the author bios here and find out about getting YOUR copy of Evolve here.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Latest Vegas Trip

Normally I post our Vegas trip pics right away, but somehow, time has gotten away from me. We were in Vegas for our anniversary, Feb 12-20th. We took a ton of photos, so this time I thought I'd just include ones that fall under my "recommendations for cool stuff to do when you go to Vegas." I've mentioned other things before, so these are just some from this latest trip. (I should do a full Vegas trip recommendations blog sometime!)

Freed's Bakery 4780 South Eastern Avenue
We went here to get ourselves a treat for Valentine's day (also our anniversary) from Freed's because that's where we got our wedding cake from. It's not on the strip, you'd definitely need a car..but if you get a chance, all their stuff is DIVINE! Cupcakes, cheesecakes, cakes, cookies...oh my!

The Shark Tank at the Golden Nugget (Freemont Street)

In all our trips to Vegas, we'd never seen the shark tank in the middle of the pool at the Golden Nugget. It wasn't quite swimming weather, but it was still very cool to see. They have a slide that goes right through the shark tank! (I want to go back in the summer for that!)

The Freemont Street Experience

In the "old" downtown of Las Vegas, Freemont Street is something you should definitely see. Not only the light show on the canopy, but also the different performers, casinos, vendors, all make for an interesting adventure! (the girl to the right in this photo "coached" me on how to stand. LOL. I didn't tell her I was a fitness model....)

The Bellagio Gardens

The Bellagio is one of our favourite places to go, not only for sighting the top names in the Poker industry, but also for their magnificent gardens. They change it throughout the year and is always worth seeing.

Mirage Dolphin and Lion Habitat

This is Siegfried and Roy's Animal Habitat. Again, we'd always meant to go but never have. It was small, but enjoyable. Seeing a full grown male lion that close up actually took my breath away. The white lion cubs were seven months old when we were there and absolutely adorable! We took video of them acting just like, well, giant kittens!

That's just a slice of Vegas. If you ever need any recommendations (hotels, sights, things to do) just let me know!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

RIP Corey Haim

Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Today is my scheduled blogging day..yes! I set a schedule of Mon, Wed, Fri. I figure if I can stick to that, I'm doing okay.

I thought I was going to blog about our trip to Vegas, since I haven't done that yet. (and I have some great new recommendations and pics to share!) But then I saw the news about Corey Haim and that's been on my mind all morning.

I'm sure lots of people will post fabulous tributes, I just wanted to join in, to share in the sadness of it, and add my voice to those who remember the "early years" of Corey Haim's career with nostalgic joy.

I was really excited to watch "The Two Corey's", and I think I watched every episode. It was so sad to see Corey H the way he was. It would have been a GREAT story if he'd been able to turn things around. Unfortunately, he wasn't.

We were also excited to watch the new Lost Boys movie. If you haven't seen it, DO NOT watch it. It will make you weep for better days.

I feel a small part of my childhood has died along with him. (and I feel terribly old! Where did the time go?!!)

Rest in peace, Corey Haim.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blogging Schedule??

My blogging has been sporatic, and I'm thinking I need to set a schedule for myself. (I actually need to do that for a lot of things in my life, but that's another story, er, blog)

Do YOU have a regular blog schedule?
Do you blog every day?
 Every other day?
Specific days, or just when the mood strikes??

Any tips on STICKING with a blogging schedule??