I've been so busy blogging about our craftathon (we dropped the blankets off to the SPCA
yesterday!!) and the happenings over at my Fit4Success network, I don't think I've mentioned yet that I've successfully started work on a new novel.
My previous n
ovel is still in the tender loving hands (bah, ha ha ha ha ha) of Diana Rowland (who's second book Blood of the Demon comes out this month on the 23rd-CHECK IT OUT!). She is going to give me her feedback once again, on this, the fourth draft. She gave me a ton of input and help during and after the first draft, and I'm hoping I took that advice well and made improvements. Diana is so busy with her writing right now that she told me she felt bad she was taking some time to get back to me. I, on the other hand am so relieved to have a friggin' break from that novel, I begged her to take her time! LOL. I'm looking forward to making more improvements on it with her help, but ugh..I just needed a break from it!

So meanwhile..I'm working on a brand new urban fantasy, unrelated to the other one. This one is taking more time to research and I'm being smarter this time around and doing my outlining FIRST. (not between the second and third drafts, like last time) I'm excited about it, I think it has great potential.
I'm roughly 16, 000 wds into it (Chapter Six) and my goal is to write 8,000 wds a week-which translates to 1500 wds 5 days a week, 1000 1 day a week and one day off. I think that's manageable for me to stick with.
Now I have to go take care of work type stuff, so I can be free to write this afternoon and evening. :-)

My previous n

So meanwhile..I'm working on a brand new urban fantasy, unrelated to the other one. This one is taking more time to research and I'm being smarter this time around and doing my outlining FIRST. (not between the second and third drafts, like last time) I'm excited about it, I think it has great potential.
I'm roughly 16, 000 wds into it (Chapter Six) and my goal is to write 8,000 wds a week-which translates to 1500 wds 5 days a week, 1000 1 day a week and one day off. I think that's manageable for me to stick with.
Now I have to go take care of work type stuff, so I can be free to write this afternoon and evening. :-)
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