Ode de Catsomnia
It's 4:10am.
I try to ignore them.
Girl cat is walking on me. Sits down hard on my stomach.
Boy cat is on the floor scratching the side of the bed.
Boy cat chases girl cat.
It's 4:30 am.
"Fine." I get up and feed the cats.
Now I'm up, I have to pee.
Back in bed.
What day is it? Right.
It's 5:00 am.
I have a long task list today.
Plus, there's this, that and the other thing to take care of.
It's 5:30 am.
Girl cat jumps on bed, goes back eats some more, jumps on bed, goes back and eats some more.
Boy cat is done eating and sits on bedside table whining for attention.
It's 6:00 am.
Boy cat jumps on top of bookshelf and starts knocking things off. Girl cat sits on me, watching him.
Boy cat jumps off top of bookshelf and lands on my legs.
It's 6:30 am.
Boy cat is curled up between Daddy's legs, purring.
Girl cat is sleeping on mom's pillow.
It's time for me to get up.
This is Catsomnia.

It's 4:10am.
I try to ignore them.
Girl cat is walking on me. Sits down hard on my stomach.
Boy cat is on the floor scratching the side of the bed.
Boy cat chases girl cat.
It's 4:30 am.
"Fine." I get up and feed the cats.
Now I'm up, I have to pee.
Back in bed.
What day is it? Right.
It's 5:00 am.
I have a long task list today.
Plus, there's this, that and the other thing to take care of.
It's 5:30 am.
Girl cat jumps on bed, goes back eats some more, jumps on bed, goes back and eats some more.
Boy cat is done eating and sits on bedside table whining for attention.
It's 6:00 am.
Boy cat jumps on top of bookshelf and starts knocking things off. Girl cat sits on me, watching him.
Boy cat jumps off top of bookshelf and lands on my legs.
It's 6:30 am.
Boy cat is curled up between Daddy's legs, purring.
Girl cat is sleeping on mom's pillow.
It's time for me to get up.
This is Catsomnia.
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