Friday, August 6, 2010

Back in Action

I've got my laptop back! Hooray!!

Thank goodness, now my cat has a place to sleep again.

Getting my laptop up and running again with all my programs etc, and then getting caught up on work stuff has pretty much filled my time the last couple of days. So, not much to blog about.

Will share this funny tidbit though..just to maybe bring a smile..

I had to buy a new bike helmet because after 10+ years I decided to do some mountain biking again. I have a tiny noggin'. I usually have to go for kid size sunglasses and hats. I was going to buy a bright pink kid's helmet with crazy patterns all over it (because it fit!!) but my husband wouldn't let me. He said it made me look like "a special adult." I say..hey, if the helmet fits... ;)