I have finally come to terms with the fact that I'm writing a brand new novel. I'm not "rewriting," I'm not "editing," this is a whole new novel. I've kept some of the same characters, the setting...and that's about it. It's a tough pill to swallow, this was the first novel I've written (since I was nine!) and I did five drafts on it. The difficult part has been getting my brain to accept that I'm doing it over. Again. From scratch. Good news is, my brain and I have worked things out, and we've even set a new goal to have this "new" novel done by the end of the year. That's going to mean about 2000 wds a day, six days a week. I'm sharing this with you, of course, so that you can keep me accountable in reaching this goal. Feel free to harass, check in, crack the whip and demand updates.
Today happens to my day off-no really, it's been pre-scheduled...because I'm going to see the new Harry Potter movie!

PS-This blog post is a part of another goal, to blog three times a week on days I go to the gym. Today is one of those days! (yay me!)

Today happens to my day off-no really, it's been pre-scheduled...because I'm going to see the new Harry Potter movie!
PS-This blog post is a part of another goal, to blog three times a week on days I go to the gym. Today is one of those days! (yay me!)
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