Just a quick blog, to blog about our other blog.. www.inkpunks.com where I blog with six other writing friends, taking turns posting about writing, our journey, the creation process or whatever comes to mind. We started this blog in October and it's been a great experience so far. We've introduced guest bloggers now, each taking a turn inviting someone to guest post on our site. Our first guest blog was posted on Friday, by the author of Mr. Shivers, Robert J Bennet.
He's written a fantastic blog about the vulnerability of authors and how to deal with that within the publishing industry. I highly recommend checking it out, just click here. Tomorrow it's my turn to post, so you know, you might want to come by the site again tomorrow. ;)
It is a silly man who spends his nights worrying about his problems, for in the morning he is tired, and his problems remain unchanged.

He's written a fantastic blog about the vulnerability of authors and how to deal with that within the publishing industry. I highly recommend checking it out, just click here. Tomorrow it's my turn to post, so you know, you might want to come by the site again tomorrow. ;)
It is a silly man who spends his nights worrying about his problems, for in the morning he is tired, and his problems remain unchanged.
- Old Icelandic Proverb
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