I can definitely blame Vegas for my lack of blogging last week. I meant to blog while we were there, really I did, but, well, it was Vegas. We had a great time, as always, no big cash wins to report, but we still had a fabulous time. I will be doing a separate blog abou
t our "Grabber Game" wins. I've decided our history with Grabber games deserves an entire blog post of its own.
Now we're back in the swing of things back home, it's just twelve days till we're off on our Caribbean Cruise!! I know, I know, I can hear it now, "you're going away again?" The cruise is a long ago planned trip, we're going for our anniversary and it's our Christmas and anniversary gifts to each other. The Vegas trip, well, we go to Vegas all the time, (it's so cheap too) so that doesn't really count. Plus, I had my laptop and did work stuff while we were there. The cruise is our REAL vacation. Can't wait.
Speaking of, I gotta go to the gym!!!

Now we're back in the swing of things back home, it's just twelve days till we're off on our Caribbean Cruise!! I know, I know, I can hear it now, "you're going away again?" The cruise is a long ago planned trip, we're going for our anniversary and it's our Christmas and anniversary gifts to each other. The Vegas trip, well, we go to Vegas all the time, (it's so cheap too) so that doesn't really count. Plus, I had my laptop and did work stuff while we were there. The cruise is our REAL vacation. Can't wait.
Speaking of, I gotta go to the gym!!!
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