I didn't have any resolutions or goals set for 2010, but seeing other people blogging their goals has given me the kick in the butt to do so. I don't like calling them "resolutions" because of the social stigma attached to that word..everyone loves to joke about setting resolutions and never following through on them. Instead, I will call them goals. I'm going to take Stephen Covey's idea of breaking your life into priorities, and focusing on them.
These will be broad, long-term goals that I will then break into monthly and weekly goals. Yes, I am that annoying person that loves setting goals and reaching them. I'm a list maker, goal setter, self-motivator and proud of it. (hee hee)
Here we go. Once it's blogged, it's as good as written in stone, isn't it?

Friends and Family1. Visit my family out east. (it's been more years than I'd like to admit)
2. Keep in touch with writer friends I made in 2009.
3. Continue working on and giving out hand-made gifts
4. Spend lots of quality time with hubby. (that's so easy to do!)
Writing and Related1. Have my current WIP agent hunt ready
2. Write and submit short stories to the Writers of the Future contest
3. Outline and write a new novel (unrelated to current WIP)
4. Write up lesson's I'm learning from cons, conferences, mentors to share on site and blogs
5. Set monthly reading goals. (# of books, which books)
6. Set daily/weekly study goals. (listening to podcasts about writing, books about writing, sites about writing etc)
Fitness-Work and Personal1. New combined website (currently have separate writing/fitness ones)
2. Continue training clients, add new programs offered
3. Build up
Fit4Success network
4. New Podcast
5. Try some martial arts classes (I've always wanted to do this!)
Charity1. More Team Wickham events (everyone I train works on a project together)
2. Craft-athon in Jan to make snuggles blankets for homeless cats and dogs and raise money for local SPCA
3. Research WSPA and see how I can help more
Projects (this category is to lump everything else into!)
1. Declutter the house (I say this every year, and work on it, yet the clutter always wins)
2. Start scrapbooks I keep saying I'm going to do
There. It is written. Now it's up to me. ;)