Since my novel is with my readers, I would like to work on some short stories. I got working on one from a writing prompt from a great book I found called the Write Brain Workbook. I've been so focused on my novel, it's strange to now switch back to short stories! I started writing..but don't know where the story is going, so I'm a bit stuck. So I have a few questions for my fellow writers.
Do you always know the ending BEFORE you start writing?
Or do you at least know what kind of ending it's going to be? (happy, sad, weird, shocking etc)
If you can't write yourself to an ending do you move on to something else?
At what point, if you can't "find" an ending, do you know a story just isn't going to work?

Thanks everyone.

Do you always know the ending BEFORE you start writing?
Or do you at least know what kind of ending it's going to be? (happy, sad, weird, shocking etc)
If you can't write yourself to an ending do you move on to something else?
At what point, if you can't "find" an ending, do you know a story just isn't going to work?

Thanks everyone.
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