I finally did it!
I finished my new site, combining my fitness and my writing. It took me many hours, but it's up and running! Hooray!
I hope people like it, and that it "works". I didn't want it to be too busy, but still wanted to have both my fitness stuff (which is my "real job") and my writing stuff together.
With any luck, perhaps people who come by for my writing will get inspired by my fitness stuff, and people who come looking for fitness stuff may check out my writing!

I finished my new site, combining my fitness and my writing. It took me many hours, but it's up and running! Hooray!
I hope people like it, and that it "works". I didn't want it to be too busy, but still wanted to have both my fitness stuff (which is my "real job") and my writing stuff together.
With any luck, perhaps people who come by for my writing will get inspired by my fitness stuff, and people who come looking for fitness stuff may check out my writing!

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