That project I mentioned the other day? Well, it's launched. It's our new site, and you have to come visit. I'll tell you why. First of all, it was my idea, so it flops like a Sunday morning pancake, it'll be my face with egg on it. (What? I haven't had breakfast yet). Second, it's an awesome idea. (ha!) I've been fortunate to find myself part of a great group of writers, creative minds and overall awesome people. We support each other, cheer each other on, listen to each other whine, and generally lift each other up. I thought it would be great if we could share what we've created, with each other. Hence, the website.
We're going to be rotating the blog posts, so there will be new content every Tuesday and Friday. We're not claiming to know it all or anything, really, we just want to share what we learn on our journey ourselves and from those more knowledgeable than us. We want to spread the support. We have a Resources section that we will continue to update. There is also talk of a submissions page, keeping tabs on new submission openings. LOTS of reasons for writers to drop by!!
Since it was my idea, I got the honour (and the pressure) of writing the first blog post. (yikes) Please come check it out and leave a comment for us. We're excited about this new endeavour and hope to reach out to as many people as we can.
Come join the Inkpunks! ;)

We're going to be rotating the blog posts, so there will be new content every Tuesday and Friday. We're not claiming to know it all or anything, really, we just want to share what we learn on our journey ourselves and from those more knowledgeable than us. We want to spread the support. We have a Resources section that we will continue to update. There is also talk of a submissions page, keeping tabs on new submission openings. LOTS of reasons for writers to drop by!!
Since it was my idea, I got the honour (and the pressure) of writing the first blog post. (yikes) Please come check it out and leave a comment for us. We're excited about this new endeavour and hope to reach out to as many people as we can.
Come join the Inkpunks! ;)
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