Are you overwhelmed with clutter? Join me on my "Rid 1 Thing" mission. I feel constantly plagued by clutter. I don't consider myself a "hoarder" or even a clutter bug, but it just seems to add up, doesn't it? We have long term plans to relocate, short term plans to move in the same area and the thought of packing up all this...stuff results in the cold sweats and shakes. Not so long ago, when we first started talking about moving, I gave myself the mission of getting rid of 1 thing per day. It didn't have to be anything big, could be something as small as throwing away an old expired bottle of vitamins I never touch, or recycling a container we never use anyway, to as big as cleaning out my closet and bookshelves and donating boxes of stuff. I let myself be flexible, depending on my schedule and mood. I kept it up for a few months. You'd be AMAZED at how long you can keep it up and how much stuff there is you can throw away, recycle or give away. At first the things were obvious, then it became fun to find things. I eventually would pick a room and challenge myself to find something to get rid of.
You know what? It worked! I really started noticing a difference. Our home had a noticeably lighter, more open feeling to it. Then, I stopped. I think we went away on vacation or something and I got thrown off my habit. I've tried to go back to it, kind of half-heartedly over the last several months but it hasn't stuck.
I want that decluttered feeling back!! So I'm announcing it right now, starting today, I'm back on my mission to get rid of 1 thing every day. I'm going to tweet my progress with the hashtag #rid1thing. Twitter is great for accountability and I know if I tweet it, people will hold me to it.
Want to join me? It's a great feeling. Just 1 thing. Look around, I'm sure you'll find one thing pretty fast. Then tomorrow, look again. Anything you can donate, give to a friend, garbage or recycle? Give it a try, I promise the results will be worth it.
Warning: be careful when giving away things to friends, they may start to catch on that you're just dumping your clutter on them. My mom caught on pretty quickly. ;)
Wish me luck on my mission, and if you join in, let me know!!

You know what? It worked! I really started noticing a difference. Our home had a noticeably lighter, more open feeling to it. Then, I stopped. I think we went away on vacation or something and I got thrown off my habit. I've tried to go back to it, kind of half-heartedly over the last several months but it hasn't stuck.
Want to join me? It's a great feeling. Just 1 thing. Look around, I'm sure you'll find one thing pretty fast. Then tomorrow, look again. Anything you can donate, give to a friend, garbage or recycle? Give it a try, I promise the results will be worth it.
Warning: be careful when giving away things to friends, they may start to catch on that you're just dumping your clutter on them. My mom caught on pretty quickly. ;)
Wish me luck on my mission, and if you join in, let me know!!
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