I met Angela Melick at VCon several years ago and was immediately impressed with her artwork. I asked if she could do a picture for me, to use for promotional material. During the process, she did several sketches and I had to narrow it down to my favourite, which she would then complete. It w
as a tough decision, but I finally went with this one. Who doesn't love little baby dragons? I've used it on my website, as an avatar and for my business cards.
Angela is a busy woman and she doesn't usually do commission work, so I knew how lucky I was to get this piece. Knowing how busy she was, I didn't want to bother her, BUT, I really loved the other sketches she did. My second choice was also amazing and wanted it done as well. After some time went by, I contacted her again and begged her to do another one for me. She graciously agreed and I absolutely LOVE the results. I've been holding onto it and have decided it's time to unveil it to the world.
You can find Angela on twitter @angelamelick or at her website. (On a side note, Angela told me that looking at all the pictures I sent her to do the drawing, she started working out and lost weight! I love it when I can inspire people without shoving it down their throats.)
Here it is! This is my awesome new artwork by Angela Melick. Thanks Angela, you're amazing!

Angela is a busy woman and she doesn't usually do commission work, so I knew how lucky I was to get this piece. Knowing how busy she was, I didn't want to bother her, BUT, I really loved the other sketches she did. My second choice was also amazing and wanted it done as well. After some time went by, I contacted her again and begged her to do another one for me. She graciously agreed and I absolutely LOVE the results. I've been holding onto it and have decided it's time to unveil it to the world.
You can find Angela on twitter @angelamelick or at her website. (On a side note, Angela told me that looking at all the pictures I sent her to do the drawing, she started working out and lost weight! I love it when I can inspire people without shoving it down their throats.)
Here it is! This is my awesome new artwork by Angela Melick. Thanks Angela, you're amazing!
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