To stick with my goal of blogging three times a week, I thought I might occassionally try doing a "Friday Five." Someone used to do this on a forum I belonged to and I always thought it was fun. I ask five random (or themed, if I'm feeling smart) questions and anyone can answer them. Let's see what happens. It's fun and it has a "let's get to know each other feel." I'll start out nice and simple for the first one. ;)
1. What's your favourite time of year and why?
2. Favourite book you've read in the last 6 months?
3. What's your dream vacation spot? (staying home counts)
4. Dragons or dragonslayers?
5. What movie do you most often quote?
My answers:
1. What's your favourite time of year and why?
My answer used to be summer, but now I love fall because of all the great conventions!!
2. Favourite book you've read in the last 6 months?
Ack, why did I ask this one? LOL. I read Kim Harrison's latest, I love all her stuff, but I think I'd have to say Pat Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear.
3. What's your dream vacation spot? (staying home counts)
The Cove at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. Went there for a poker tournament, can't wait to go back.
4. Dragons or dragonslayers?
5. What movie do you most often quote?
The Hangover

1. What's your favourite time of year and why?
2. Favourite book you've read in the last 6 months?
3. What's your dream vacation spot? (staying home counts)
4. Dragons or dragonslayers?
5. What movie do you most often quote?
My answers:
1. What's your favourite time of year and why?
My answer used to be summer, but now I love fall because of all the great conventions!!
2. Favourite book you've read in the last 6 months?
Ack, why did I ask this one? LOL. I read Kim Harrison's latest, I love all her stuff, but I think I'd have to say Pat Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear.
3. What's your dream vacation spot? (staying home counts)
The Cove at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. Went there for a poker tournament, can't wait to go back.
4. Dragons or dragonslayers?
5. What movie do you most often quote?
The Hangover
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