My Sound Bites podcast interview with my mentor and all around FABULOUS woman, Diana Rowland, is up on Bitten By Books. If you're a fan of urban fantasy, demon summoning or zombies, I recommend checking out Diana's books! We talk a lot about her new series which begins with "My Life as a White Trash Zomibe." There are three books currently out in her demon series with more to come, you can see all those and the back cover blurbs HERE.

If you're a writer, then you MUST listen to this interview. Writing advice on all aspects of the industry just flows out of Diana and it's a great opportunity to learn from a professional author!
Some people had trouble getting the player to work on the Bitten By Books site, so if that's the case for you, you can also listen to the interview using the DIRECT LINK HERE.
You can leave feedback for the episode on the Bitten By Books page in the comment section. :)

If you're a writer, then you MUST listen to this interview. Writing advice on all aspects of the industry just flows out of Diana and it's a great opportunity to learn from a professional author!
Some people had trouble getting the player to work on the Bitten By Books site, so if that's the case for you, you can also listen to the interview using the DIRECT LINK HERE.
You can leave feedback for the episode on the Bitten By Books page in the comment section. :)
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