Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Writing Quotes

I'm trying to stick to my blog schedule of Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I've decided if I can't think of anything to blog, I'll start posting writing quotes.

We all need inspiration and motivation right?

Thought I'd start a if you have any favourites, please feel free to add them!!

Here's one of my favourites:

"I try to leave out the parts that people skip."  ~Elmore

Monday, June 21, 2010

Workout Ebook

I have finally compiled and uploaded an Ebook Workout Program For anyone and everyone. 

The motivation for this book came from an author on Twitter, who, when I said I was thinking of doing a new workout book, asked for a "non-scary strength training workout." I understood what she meant and I put together a workout plan for anyone and everyone at every age, every level, to use and feel comfortable with. The exercises are simple yet effective, I've given photo examples of how to do each exercise and have also included extra information about weight training in general, cardio training as well as nutrition. This is it! This is all you need. ;)

It ended up being a 25 page book. In it you'll find:

  • Information about Weight Training, including important points to remember and definitions of terms
  • 10 stretching exercises including photographs demonstrating proper technique
  • Full Body Workout Program, including photographs of the exercise demonstrating how to execute them
  • 12 pages of nutrition information, including eating guidelines, sample meals, how to be a label reader, food journal and more!
  • 3 pages of information on effective cardio training

Interested? Thinking about improving your fitness level??!! Want to look and feel great? *insert any other fitness hype you've heard over the years* except this time it's not a gimmick! This is a simple, straight forward and effective workout that doesn't promise overnight success, but will help you reach your fitness goals.

Visit my site to order and start the journey to a healthier you. :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

First Interview

I did my first podcast interview with Michell Plested of "Get Published" last night via Skype...and I think I was a total dork! LOL.

It was very exciting to be interviewed, we talked about my short story in Evolve, how that came about, what my plans are for the future and much more. I even dished out some writing advice, going back to what I've learned in my career as a professional fitness competitor and relating that to writing.

When it airs on the podcast I'll let you know and you can decide whether I was dorky or not. ;)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Ah, I have been a bad blogger yet again.

It seems like, as soon as I set a goal for myself to blog three times a week on Mon, Wed and Fri, my blogging almost stopped! And today is Tuesday and I'm blogging. See, don't ever set goals, it will just screw you right up. (I'm totally kidding)

I'm getting into rewrites on novel number two, there's lots to be done but it will improve the novel a great deal. Which is good, right? So..I just have to get at it!

Happy writing, editing and publishing to all the writers out there. ;)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ode de Catsomnia

Ode de Catsomnia

It's 4:10am.

I try to ignore them.

Girl cat is walking on me. Sits down hard on my stomach.

Boy cat is on the floor scratching the side of the bed.

Boy cat chases girl cat.

It's 4:30 am.

"Fine." I get up and feed the cats.

Now I'm up, I have to pee.

Back in bed.

What day is it? Right.

It's 5:00 am.

I have a long task list today.

Plus, there's this, that and the other thing to take care of.

It's 5:30 am.

Girl cat jumps on bed, goes back eats some more, jumps on bed, goes back and eats some more.

Boy cat is done eating and sits on bedside table whining for attention.

It's 6:00 am.

Boy cat jumps on top of bookshelf and starts knocking things off. Girl cat sits on me, watching him.

Boy cat jumps off top of bookshelf and lands on my legs.

It's 6:30 am.

Boy cat is curled up between Daddy's legs, purring.
Girl cat is sleeping on mom's pillow.

It's time for me to get up.

This is Catsomnia.