Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Novel Feedback

I received my novel feedback from Diana Rowland, author of the Kara Gillian Demon Summoner series and the upcoming novel My Life as a White Trash Zombie, as well as a kick ass person in general. I sent her my fifth draft, the very best I could do at this point and she gave me SO much useful feedback, it was amazing. (this lady is SMART!!)

My first reaction was, holy crap, this is going to be so much more work. Can I do it? Really? After all the time I've already spent on this novel? The fact that Diana said, "I know you'll be able to pull this together and sell it," is what's going to fuel me to tackle another round of rewrites. Whoops. Maybe I shouldn't have quoted her on that the pressure's really on to sell it so I don't prove her wrong. ;)

One great thing she shared, which I can pass on to all of you, is to do a post novel outline. She suggested using sticky notes, or big sheets of paper, whatever works, and do a scene by scene break down of the novel to see what works, what doesn't fit etc. She said this is a method she uses and it's helped her tremendously. Only catch for me is, we were told yesterday by the real estate agent when he came to measure our suite that the landlords are putting the house up for sale (that's a whole other story, they leave two houses away, couldn't tell us?) so I'm not sure they'd appreciate a wall covered in sticky notes or sheets of paper with marker hanging all over the walls when they're showing the house. Aw, maybe I'll do it anyway.

My plan is to do a new "to do list" and tackle the changes, new additions one step a time so I don't get overwhelmed. The amount of work and time to fix it is daunting, but I'm trusting Diana that I'm on the right track.

In an additional shout out to this wonderful lady who has for some unknown reason taken me on to mentor me, here's the cover for her new novel coming out July 5, 2011. I got to be a beta reader for her and I'll tell you, it's AWESOME!!!!
And just look at the cover!! You know you're all going to want to buy a copy. Right after you wish me luck on my next round of novel rewrites. :)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'm the Fitness Nerd!

I'm excited to be the new Fitness Nerd columnist over at The Functional Nerds. Here's a blurb straight from their website:

"Functional Nerds is the new podcast from author/blogger Patrick Hester and musician/blogger John Anealio focusing on science fiction and fantasy media: television, film, comics, and new media such as fan films, audio dramas, online animated comics and more, technology, gadgets and all things Apple as well as music and the occasional video game."

John and Patrick asked me to be the Fitness Nerd and I didn't just jump at the chance, I did jumping jacks. (okay, not really, I'm just trying to be funny.) My first column, Brains Need Brawn, went up on Monday. I'd love it if you went to take a look. I'm going to try my hardest to use the column to help people on the road to a healthier, happier and more functional life.

I'll be posting once a month (approximately) and will always let you know when a new column goes up.

Thank you!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reminder for the Reading Tonight!

I've been invited by the great folks at the Burnaby Writers' Society to do a reading at Spoken Ink, their monthly reading series. I'll be joining author Mary Choo and am very excited for the chance to share my work. Spoken Ink events always have an open mic as well, so if you're in the area and want to read to an audience, come on out! We'd love to have you. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spoken Ink presents Venturing Beyond

Tomorrow I'm leaving for the Rainforest Writers Village Retreat, situated on beautiful Lake Quinault in the Pacific Northwest Pennisula. "Five days to be only a writer." This year they ran two sessions because the first one ran out so fast and those of us in the second session have been able to see photos and videos from the first group and it looks fantastic! Many of my friends have signed up for the same session and I can't wait. I will post pictures and I hope to report back about all the goals I've achieved while I'm there..isolated, with no TV, no phones, no internet. (and I'm hoping no mask wearing, knife weilding crazies).

When I return, I've been invited by the great folks at the Burnaby Writers' Society to do a reading at their Spoken Ink event. I'll be joining author Mary Choo and am very excited for the chance to share my work. Spoken Ink events always have an open mic as well, so if you're in the area and want to read to an audience, come on out! We'd love to have you. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Inkpunks Post

Today's blog is to redirect you to our Inkpunks blog. Today was my turn again to post, I shared my pain of my novel revisions as therapy for myself and to maybe help others going through the same pain..I know I'm not alone come share yours. Leave me a comment!! ;)