Saturday, January 17, 2009

Writing Workshop!!

I just joined up for a Manuscript Writing Workshop with Eileen Kernaghan, author of The Sarsen Witch, Wild Talent: a Novel of the Supernatural and many other great novels.

I am very excited!!! It starts on Monday night (just two days!) and runs for 8 weeks. It's limited to 10 people, we'll meet for 2 1/2 hours and it's for manuscripts finished or in progress. So that has given me a kick in the pants to sit down and work on my fantasy novel. As I said to a few writing friends, this novel has been trashed, redone, pulled from the I've decided to just finish the darn thing for the experience, and for the experience of going through it in the workshop.

I am also going to take the advice of pal Diana Rowland (author of Mark of the Demon, coming out soon!) and try entering the Writers of the Future contests. That will give me definite deadlines for my short stories as well.

AND I will be working on my new writing site design so I can get that online asap.

All the best,